LGCF Inc., offers education in a number of different subject areas. Garden club councils or one of our eight Districts sponsor the various courses in different parts of the state. The instructors are fantastic and all courses are accredited by National Garden Clubs, Inc.
Read a detailed description of each series of courses and see if one is currently being offered in your area.
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Videos - Webinars - Gardening Tips -Club Resources
All course series require a subscription to The National Gardener magazine published by NGC, $8.00 - U.S. One Year. To subscribe to The National Gardener or to order any of the specified educational text books, call or write:
National Garden Clubs, Inc.
4401 Magnolia Avenue
St. Louis, MO 63110-3492
Please follow this link to learn more about our >> Scholarships.
National Garden Clubs, Inc.
4401 Magnolia Avenue
St. Louis, MO 63110-3492
Please follow this link to learn more about our >> Scholarships.