The projects of Louisiana Garden Club Federation, Inc. span the entire state in location and interest. The connecting element is the love of nature and gardening.
Individual clubs can choose from a variety of educational, beautification, social, and service projects, depending on member interests and local needs. Today's garden clubs effectively address current issues, such as climate change, highway beautification and other environmental concerns. Local and state projects and national partnerships with the U. S. Forest Service and Habitat for Humanity give garden club members an opportunity to make a difference while engaging in activities they love.
Come join one of our clubs and become involved with our state's projects.
Ongoing Projects
Arboriculture / Arbor Day The THIRD FRIDAY in JANUARY is designated as Arbor Day throughout the state of Louisiana.
Beauty of Life Garden America's largest day of doing good, Make A Difference Day, is the fourth Saturday in October.
Blue Star Memorial and Historic Markers Markers continue to be dedicated each year on highways, Veterans facilities, National Cemeteries, parks, and civic and historic sites, showing our appreciation for those who defend our country.
Circle of Roses This tribute, started in 1996, is in honor of the many ladies who are in their senior years and have given their time and talents to their garden clubs over many years.
Cleanest City Contest This long standing project of LGCF, Inc. involves garden club members, city officials, and the community. Deadline to enter is March 1.
Litter / Reclamation / Recycling / Waste Management All of our garden clubs are encouraged to protect our environment by participating in a recycling program, as well as to make a joint effort to remove litter from our environment and educate citizens on litter prevention.
Memorials: Book of Remembrance The Louisiana Garden Club Federation has THE BOOK OF REMEMBRANCE in which you may enroll and remember Garden Club members, relatives, friends, and loved ones.